I morgon (tysdag 6.februar) er det tid for debatt om global skattepolitikk på Blindern. Me i Attac Blindern inviterer til debatt over eit tema som vanlegvis vert oversett i norsk politisk offentlighet:
Annually the third world countries loose an estimated $500 billion in tax evasion and capital flight. This is seven times as much as the world´s total aid budget, and represent a major obstacle for public investments and development in third world countries.
Globally, large corporations and wealthy individuals are increasingly avoiding their obligation to contribute to society through taxation. What political and economic mechanisms make the tax evasion and capital flight possible? Is it possible to build a system of taxation that is more favourable for poor people in developing and developed countries?
Jan Borgen, General Secretary, Transparency
Sony Kapoor, Tax Justice Network, London
Auditorium 7, SV-fak, klokka 1815. Kom, kom!
2 kommentarer:
Sukk, synd å legge sånt på den samiske nasjonaldagen da :(
Men men. Håper det gikk bra.
Dårleg planlegging, det der. Me skal ha det i mente til neste år!
Gratulera med vel overstått feiring!
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